Raising your vibration results in more happiness, better health, more clarity and purpose, and it becomes easier to manifest the things in life you want. Everything in the universe is frequency, resonance and vibration. 

It has been shown and proven that we radiate a measurable electromagnetic field that varies in frequency/vibration based on our thoughts and emotions. In fact, both the human heart and the brain emit these fields - but the field that comes from our heart is noticeably stronger, about 5,000 times stronger. This field radiates about 8-10 feet from the body. Being an electromagnetic field, and considering the fact that we are beings sensitive to electromagnetic fields and strongly affected by these fields, your heart’s field affects those around you - and vice versa. This means that your thoughts and emotions at every moment, and your overall frequency, are constantly affecting those around you. Then, the frequency and field of those people affects others. By raising your frequency, you raise the frequency of your bioenergetic field, which affects the frequency of those around you, and the people around them, and so on.. like a chain reaction. This is how we have the ability to create more love, peace and joy in the world by collectively raising our vibration. “Good vibes” is no longer simply a cliche expression, but something that is actually measurable. It is something that is affecting those around you, and ultimately affecting the entire world through our collective frequency. Right now, it’s more important than ever to hold a high vibration. Not to mention, your energetic frequency determines the kinds of people, situations and experiences you attract - so let’s attract good ones!

So how can you raise your personal frequency/vibration? 

  1. Drink lots of spring water, and to reiterate the amount of water that a person needs to drink daily, here is the equation: Take your weight. Divine this number in half. The resulting number is the amount in ounces you should drink daily. For instance, if someone weights 150 pounds, half of this number is 75. Therefore, the individual will need to drink 75 ounces of spring water daily. If you cannot get spring water, filtered water is okay if you are using a carbon filter - but spring water is highly recommended. Add lemon to make your water alkaline and be more hydrating (while lemon/citrus is acidic, it actually metabolizes as alkaline in the body).

  2. Walk or sit outside (weather permitting) in Nature. If you can, sit or walk barefoot in the grass, or sit up against a tree to read, meditate, or just relax. This is very grounding, which is necessary to hold a high frequency. This process is also known as Earthing, which has been proven to reduce inflammation, calms the mind, and introduces negative ions into the body which are incredibly beneficial in themselves.

  3. Practice safe sun-gazing. It’s important to do this only within the first 30 minutes of sunrise, or 30 minutes before sunset. This is where, during those times, you are able to look directly at the sun. You should do this while “grounding” yourself as mentioned above. After this, close your eyes and focus on breathing deeply for the next 5 to 10 minutes. This introduces light/photons into the pineal gland which helps with the integration of energy that helps clear energetic blockages, and with time, actually helps to decalcify the pineal gland. If you practice sun-gazing, it’s important to start with about 10 seconds at a time, then increase that each day by 10 seconds until you’re sun-gazing for up to 30 minutes at a time.

  4. Eat lots of foods that grow below ground such as carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.. If you are not having much appetite (which many people are reporting) drink a fruit/veggie smoothie. Foods that grow under the ground are naturally grounding.

  5. Take a natural remedy such as “Rescue Remedy” by Bach Flowers under your tongue up to four times each day to prevent or to heal stress and anxiety. Bach Flower Remedies are also incredibly beneficial in the clearing of negative emotions and emotional blockages.

  6. Take a shower or bath with sea salt, Dead Sea salt or Himalayan salt on a regular basis (at least once or twice a week). This has many benefits and also clears your energy field. You can buy Dead Sea salt and Himalayan salt on Amazon.

  7. Avoid stressful television programs, news, conversations, and loud social occasions - all of which can upset your nervous system. Try to be surrounded by positivity, or at least calming people environments as much as possible. Surround yourself with likeminded people and individuals who are awake and love-focused. Remove yourself from all forms of drama, people who are violent and non-compassionate. You can hold space for those people - try not to judge them or see yourself as better than them, but hold the intention that they will see their actions in the best way for them. Try to surround yourself with people who lift you up rather than bring you down.

  8. Meditate! This does not mean you need to practice “traditional” meditation every day, but you should at least practice sitting in silence and being with your thoughts. Focus on your thoughts and let them float by without being attached to the meaning or labelling them as good or bad. This becomes easier with practice. It may help to use a breathing technique such as the 4-7-8 breathing technique or the 4-4-4 (inhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds) breathing technique. As you focus on your breathing, visualize inhaling the frequencies/energy of pure love and light, and exhaling all the negativity being held in your body. You may want to find a guided meditation, or simply some relaxing music, if you feel this will help you. Follow us on Facebook and/or subscribe to our email list to stay up to date with Guided Visualizations and Global Mass Meditations.

  9. Live from your heart. This means practicing love and kindness in your life. You can focus on a word such as “love”, mentally, which will help you to naturally resonate with the frequency of love. This means hold the word “love” in your mind - mentally repeating it throughout the day, and then see how you feel and what kind of experiences you attract. Do an act of kindness on a daily basis - when we do things for others, this increases our energetic state and lifts our frequency.

  10. Practice mindfulness. This means living in the now, in the present moment. Many people are constantly living in the past or the future - they are either focusing on things that have already happened, or things that may happen in the future, while going about their day. They are basically running on autopilot. Practice focusing on the present moment - the now. As you do this, you will start to catch yourself thinking about the past or the future - when this happens, simply bring yourself back to the present. Find ways to keep you anchored in the present, such as focusing on your 5 senses. Notice what you see, smell, touch, taste and feel at every moment.

  11. Consider using M-State elements such as Ormus. These are naturally occurring elements that will help you increase your frequency. Another incredibly beneficial supplement is Nano Soma which assists in cell regeneration, DNA repair and anti-aging. Even if you do not necessarily have any health concerns, Nano Soma is a very high frequency supplement, thus increasing your own.

  12. You can consume “plasma water” made with GANS which is great for clearing negative emotions and energetic blockages. Plasma water is easy to make, if you have GANS, which you can order on Etsy. Because GANS has it’s own energetic toroidal field, you simply need to keep it next to your water for 12-24 hours to charge the water itself. It’s important to never consume the GANS itself, only the water placed within its field. Alternatively, you can use “blue solar water” which is also easy to make - simply put spring water in a cobalt-blue glass bottle and leave in direct sunlight for 6-12 hours.

  13. Watch informative videos regarding spiritual information on YouTube, or movies and shows containing soft disclosure. Here is a playlist with some informative clips from movies and shows that contain examples of “soft disclosure”. Soft disclosure is a common technique where hints at factual information, agendas, events and phenomena are given to the viewer. This can be done for either benevolent or non-benevolent purposes. For instance, it is sometimes done to “plant seeds” in the viewer’s mind to prepare them for an eventual “hard disclosure”, or it can be done to make a true fact/agenda look ridiculous and impossible (which in these cases, it is done using exaggeration and essentially a form of subliminal gaslighting). Disclosure in most shows are examples of “positive” soft disclosure, such as in the Marvel movies. If you find one of the clips interesting, you may want to consider watching the full movie.

  14. Listen to healing frequencies especially solfeggio frequencies such as 528hz. you can listen to the pure tone frequencies, isochronic frequencies, binaural frequencies or even music that has been tuned to 528hz (simply search youtube for 528 music, or “tuned to 528”) - you can also tune your favorite music to 528hz with software that is available, called ReturnTo528. Note that there is also software from the same company for 432hz music. While I do believe 432hz is beneficial, and you should use it if you feel called to, I personally find that 528hz (and other solfeggio frequencies) are needed right now and are most beneficial.

  15. Avoid negative thoughts and words - of course, this is easier said than done, but as with everything else, it comes with practice and mindfulness. If a negative thought comes up, mentally state “Cancel, cancel, cancel” or “cancel, delete, cancel, delete”. The more you practice this, it will become automatic, until you start to have hardly no negative thoughts at all. Be conscious of your words - words have frequency and so does the emotion you put into those words. You will attract more of what you talk about, and you will attract more ways to feel a certain way based on how you feel. Rather than speaking or intending to eliminate the things you don’t want, focus on creating and manifesting the things you do want.

  16. Consume fresh, organic food - especially fruits and veggies. Avoid processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gluten and inflammatory foods. Consume alkaline-forming foods as much as possible. You can find a list of alkaline-forming foods online with a quick Google search.

  17. Learn methods to process past trauma and clear negative emotions with a process such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - highly recommend to check out the website ElevateMyMood.com to learn these tools for free.

  18. Utilize Energy Healing or an energetic modality of some sort to clear any energetic blockages, negative energies, auric field problems and energetic interference. We find that the best and most effective healing at this time is ETR Healing - learn more about ETR at ETRhealing.com

  19. Crystals can be helpful and are more than just a fashion statement - everything holds a frequency/vibration, especially naturally occurring materials from the earth. Grounding crystals such as shungite can be incredibly helpful right now. Selenite can also be helpful, which holds a frequency that clears/transmutes negative frequencies. As always, follow your intuition or use a technique such as muscle testing or dowsing to determine which kind of crystal would be most beneficial for you.

  20. Learn to test information you receive to know if it’s true for you with a process such as muscle testing (kinesiology) or dowsing. This is especially important if you follow any kind of channeled information, predictions, or information regarding timelines/events. Do not become attached to any kinds of dates regarding when an event or experience may occur.

  21. Practice gratitude! Being thankful for what you have now, not only increases your vibration and frequency, but attracts more of the same (good things) to you! Creating a list or Gratitude Journal can be a great way of doing this.

  22. Practice visualization! Use your imagination and a meditative state to visualize what you want and the kind of future you want to experience. The most important part here is to focus on your feelings, and practice holding the feelings of already having what you want - especially the feelings of joy, love, peace and gratitude. By holding these frequencies while you visualize what you want, your visualization becomes much more powerful!

  23. Join the Critical Mass Community Facebook group to stay up to date and, if you feel called to, share the posts we make to spread positivity and uplifting content to others. If you click on the “Media” tab in the group, there is a massive library of posts/images you can share.

  24. “Like” the Critical Mass Facebook page for important updates, uplifting content and love-focused news.You can subscribe to the YouTube channel as well. Lastly, you can subscribe to our email list for upcoming meditations, events, and important updates.

  25. Read The Four Agreements and practice these in your life. This may even be the most important step. These will be listed below as their own four rules to practice - but if you are able to read the full book and feel called to, then we recommend that as well.

The Four Agreements 

1) Be impeccable with your word

Words are more powerful than we realize, they are the building blocks of labels, concepts and beliefs.
To avoid creating new, harmful illusions, be extremely conservative when using them on yourself or on others.
Get in the habit of saying only what you mean and meaning only what you say. When in doubt, say nothing at all.

2) Don’t take anything personally

Remember that the words and actions of others are the products of their own illusory realities.
Acknowledge that if you shared the same reality you would know no better than to act and speak in exactly the same way.
Armed with this knowledge: take nothing personally. It will defuse the power of the words and actions of others to impact you.

3) Don’t make assumptions

Though we know most assumptions are baseless, we often still give them the weight of full agreements.
The result? The violation of one-sided expectations is a major source of misunderstanding and suffering at all levels of life.
Be aware and wary of your natural tendency to assume things about yourself, others and the world around you.
Instead, look and listen without labels or judgement. Have the courage to ask questions and clarify.
Remember, when someone or something surprises you – the failing isn’t theirs, it is yours.

4) Always do your best

Always do the very best you can. Live with maximum possible effort in each moment.
But don’t worry about whether your best now is the same or better than your best yesterday, or even five minutes ago.
Instead, accept that your best will change from moment to moment – depending on the conditions within and around you.
Now, do what you can, with what you have, from where you are – you can ask nothing more of yourself.